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Read 关于阅读的多种方式

2024-05-04 21:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. Read

to look at and understand the words in a book, magazine, letter etc for interest, enjoyment, or study 阅读,读懂

What book are you reading at the moment? 你现在在读什么书?

I usually read the newspaper on the way to work. 我一般在上班途中看报纸。

2. flick / flip / leaf through sth

to turn the pages of a book, magazine etc quickly, looking for things that might interest you 快速翻阅/浏览某物 (以寻找有趣的东西)

While I was waiting, I flicked through a magazine. 我一边等一边翻看一本杂志

3.  browse through sth

to spend time looking through a book, magazine etc without any clear purpose, looking for things that might interest you 随意翻阅某物 (以寻找有趣的东西)

Would you like to browse through our holiday brochure? 你想看看我们的度假小册子吗?

4.  skim / scan (through) sth

to read something quickly to get the main ideas or find a particular piece of information 快速浏览某物 (以了解主要内容或寻找某些信息)

I want you to skim through the article and write a short summary of it.  我要你们迅速浏览这篇文章,然后写一篇简短的摘要。

Tony scanned the menu for a vegetarian option. 托尼浏览菜单找素食。

5.  pore over sth

to read something very carefully for a long time 仔细阅读某物

They spent weeks poring over guidebooks and planning their holiday. 他们花了几个星期的时间研读旅游指南,安排度假。

6.  devour sth

to read something quickly and eagerly 如饥似渴地阅读某物

Her young fans devour her books.  她那些年轻粉丝如饥似渴地阅读她的作品。

7. dip into sth

to read short parts of something 略微翻看某物

It's a book you can dip into rather than read from cover to cover.  这本书你随便翻翻就行了,没必要从头读到尾。

8. plough/ wade through sth

to read something long and boring 阅读〔冗长无聊的〕某物

He's upstairs ploughing through financial reports. 他在楼上苦读财务报告。

I can't possibly wade through all this. 我不可能读完那么多无聊的东西。

9. surf the Net / Internet / Web

to look quickly through information on the Internet, stopping to read what interests you 网上冲浪,浏览因特网

He surfed the Net, looking for jobs. 他在网上浏览信息,想找一份工作。







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